Regarding inviting online application for filling the vacancies of the Assistant Professors of Higher Education Commissioner's Office, Degree, Commerce, Science, Home Science, Law, Education, Physical Education, Performing Arts, Rural Vidyalaya.

Higher Education Commissioner's Office, Gandhinagar Non Government Aided Colleges | Based on the consent given by the college for the central recruitment process, the number of staff and number of students in non-government-aided colleges and the education department. 25--08-2005 Date. 14-09-2011, Date 16-08-2017 date 27-07-2017 Date 18-05-2018 and Ta. According to the resolutions made from 23-12-2019 and from time to time ... "Assistant Assistant" has to fill the vacancies. Accordingly, online application from the prescribed academic qualification candidates for a total of 960 vacancies in different subjects of Competition, Commerce, Science, Homicide, Law, Education, Physical Education, Performing Arts, Gram Vidya etc. Website www. rascheguj. are invited to.

The eligibility criteria for this recruitment process, as well as all other details and conditions. Available on the website. Announcement of this recruitment, regarding the women's reservation of the General Administration Department. 01-08-2018. Resolution of and 26-02-2020. New to reserves of 1. If subordinate to the final judgment of the underlying proceedings. Whose survey candidates should note. All candidates have to visit the website www.

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