Gujarat Police Announcement for filling the vacancies of Gujarat Police Force Class-3 cadre through direct recruitment Announcement No .: PSIRB / 202021/1 P.S.E. Direct recruitment of 1382 vacancies for the following cadre of non-armed police sub-inspector (male), armed police sub-inspector (male), intelligence officer (male / female) and non-armed assistant sub-inspector (male-female).
Only online applications are invited by the recruitment board. S.No. Cadre Vacancy Details Unarmed Police Sub Inspector 202 2 Unarmed Police Sub Inspector (Female) 98 3 Armed Police Sub Inspector (Male) 4 Intelligence Officer (Male) Intelligence Officer (Female) 9 Unarmed Assistant Sub Inspector (Male) 65 Non-Armed Assistant Sub Inspector (Female) 324 Total 1382 2 / - Out of all the above mentioned cadre vacancies, details of reserved class vacancies are shown in the instructions posted on the website
Which must be seen. 3 / - P.S.E. Recruitment Board All instructions regarding recruitment dated 16/03/2021 | To be uploaded on the website All these instructions should be carefully followed by the candidates from 16/03/2021 (noon hour: 14.08) to 31/03/2021 (11.59 pm). Go to the website Go to the page of "Police Recruitment Announcement"
Online Application Will have to. 4 / - Educational qualification, age related to recruitment for the posts of that cadre before applying online by the candidate. | Limitations as well as other instructions should be read carefully from the above website. 5 / - Candidates will have to delete the printout after confirming the online application and keep it with them It will have to be submitted when requested by the recruitment board. 6 / - Candidate has to apply only for the above mentioned posts and under no circumstances should the application form be sent to any office by post or in person. Also, such applications will not be accepted in any office for which the candidates should take special note. 7 / - Recruitment Rules, Resolutions Circulars are available on the website.
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Pepar 2
Pepar 3 and (Development Assistance, IPS) Venue: Gandhinagar Chairman P.S.E. Recruitment Board-2021 and Dt.12 / 03/2021 Director General of Police, Training, Information / 2124 / 20-21 Gujarat State, Gandhinagar