TAT EXAM Pepar Solution
State Examination Bord condacted SECONDARY Teacher Aptitude Test
Pepar Date 4/6/2023 Sunday
For the developmental development of students, the subject will require teachers who have some inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary skill sets in addition to literary subjects, i.e. a science graduate should have knowledge of literature, a literature graduate should have knowledge of science, Vinayana Natak. There will be a need for teachers who have knowledge of commerce as well. Such teachers will be able to teach skills like computers, vocational education, drawing, music, art, sports etc. which are necessary for the overall development of the student along with their literacy subject matter expertise.
In the changing educational world, it is .
The process to identify teachers with such special skills also needs to be more intensive. Rabab U 52 stated that it was under Sardarthi's consideration to create a specific examination system to identify candidates with spout-wise knowledge, inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary skills (Inter-Disciplinary and Multi-Disciplinary Skill Set).
By the resolution dated 19 / 07 / 2019 by the J Parth Department for the recruitment of teachers in state government and non-government aided secondary and higher secondary schools, Teacher Aptitude Test - Secondary (TAT Secondary), Teacher Aptitude Test - Higher 2nd Secondary (TAT- Higher Secondary) ) committee was constituted to change the structure of The meeting was organized by the said committee on 03/08/2019 and 03/09/2019. According to the deliberations made in these meetings, the report was prepared by the committee by letter dated 30/11/2019.
Key Points of the Third National Education Policy This score will stipulate that if the course is dropped for any reason in the course of a certain period of time, the student will not have to repeat the course again. The student can continue the missed course. 13. Technology will be used in online education teaching, learning and assessment. Online education will be provided in 8 major languages.
563 . . . . By relating education and psychology content with practical life, students' interest towards the subject can be awakened. By doing this they will be motivated to study more effectively. By using the right reinforcers at the right time, expected behaviors can be made with students. By doing this their learning can be made more effective. Students can be motivated to study by creating an ideal learning environment in front of them. The teacher should also have exemplary behavior towards them.
Students should be motivated to study by explaining the importance of education in every type of business in the world. Learning is an activity for enjoyment, not an activity to learn. If students are given such conviction and interest in their studies, they can be motivated to study more. Psychologists, based on experiments, have developed theories of motivation to provide motivation to students.
We will now discuss about two of these main principles. Theories of Motivation Various psychologists have given theories of motivation in their own way. One such theory is given by McClelland. McClelland's Theory of Motivation (McLelland's Theory of Motivation) David C.
McClelland was born on May 20, 1917 in New York. He died on 27th March 1998. The theory of motivation developed by him is known as the theory of Ruriat. He gave this theory in terms of effective management. According to him, human beings have three basic characteristics and their importance varies from person to person. Based on these needs he developed the theory of motivation. He said that if the importance of a person's needs is known, its effects on a person's behavior can be understood and motivation can be provided based on that. Apart from that, he further explained that one's culture and experience influence one's needs. He stated the three main needs of a person are relatedness, power and achievement needs.
Need for Affiliation (Need for Affiliation: N-Af) McClelland refers to the need related to a person's friendly, social and family relationships and human interaction as the need for relatedness. Everyone wants to be loved and accepted. Such desire is the need for relationship.
A person with a high degree of this feeling works very well in a social and cooperative environment and in groups. He likes social interaction. He likes to co-operate with people and do activities. Such a person cannot live alone. Students with such feelings do not feel comfortable sitting alone and studying. Such a person has team spirit and can be an excellent team player. A person with such a high level of need likes to be popular.
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Apprenticeship Aptitude Tests: The following Teacher Aptitude Tests will be conducted for Secondary and Higher Secondary Sections for candidature as teachers in Government and Private Secondary Schools registered in Gujarat State and in Government and Private Higher Secondary Schools a) Teacher Aptitude Test (Martamak) b) Teacher Aptitude Test ( Candidates who qualify for Higher Mamik) Teacher Bharnach Test (Secondary) and Teacher Bharuchi Koti (Higher Secondary) can give both the above tests if they wish. 2.