GPSC (Gujarat Public Service Commission) Declared Deputy Section Officer Results 2020.
🔸The commission has declared the result of Preliminary Examination of Advt. No. 20/2019-20 ( Deputy Section Officer / Deputy Mamlatdar, Class-III.)
The understanding of health education will be aided by a review of certain facts and principles which underline the development and administrative conduct of theprogramme.
One's Health is determined by both one's heredity and one's mode of living.
Because of differences in constitution two children with the same programme of living do not maintain the same level of health. Neither teachers nor children should expect health education to produce uniform health. A particular individual, however, will have health and greater efficiency with good habitation with person.
Health education is the joint responsibility of the home and school and more directly of the community.
The School should not be expected to supplant the home. At school, the child should be provided opportunities to find support for the programme of healthful living which is being taught at home. Unfortunately, many children are not adequately taught healthful living at home; and the responsibility for health education rests largely with the institution. In such cases, an institution should attempt to influence the homes through the means at its disposal.
Health education is by and large in the hands of the class-room teachers at the elementary school stage.
In dealing with the modification of habits, importance of repetition should be recognised. Children will form habits not by learning a fact but by doing things repeatedly with satisfactory results. The class room teacher is the only member of school personnel who is with a small group of pupil sufficiently capable to carry through a programme of habit training; and give day-to-day support to the health practices carried out at home. Nevertheless, the principal, nurse, doctor dentist, custodian and others make a very important contribution by example, and by availing every opportunity for incidental teaching.
Health education must be accepted and fostered by the administrative authorities of the second as a part of the educational programme if it is to succeed.
It is almost impossible for a teacher to develop a real health education programme without the support of the principal, general supervisors and the superintendent or inspection of education; and physical education and health. It is certainly impossible for a teacher to develop a well organised programme without such support. Certain phases of the school health programme are direct administrative responsibilities. These include school, house construction, school sanitation, ample toilet and hand-washing facilities for all elementary pupils; and arrangement in teacher's time-table so that he may have opportunity to talk with the nurse, doctor and parents with regard to the child's medical record.
Effective health education demands understanding, sympathy cooperation and support of health specialists in the school system.
▪️Main written exams will held on 24 & 31 January, 2021.
Physicians, nurses, dentists, audiometrists, physical educators and nutritionists understand the value of their contribution and cooperation in the programme of health education. Criticism, discussion and inaction will weaken even the best programme. The experience of medical examinations, physical inspections and dental corrections can be made more meaningful by the teacher. Efforts of the teachers can be substantiated by the medical specialists. The use of cummulative health record of individual; student serves as a tangible medium of co operation.