Gov.Secondary Waiting News
Western Raillway, Bhavnagar Division pablished an official notification for the recruitment of Junior Teacher, TGT, PET and PRT posts. Eligible candidates can apply for this rekruitment. You can see more information about this Recruitment including number of posts, post name, educational qualification, age limit, selection process, hov to apply etc.
Total posts: 11 post
Name of post and educattional qualification and other details :: Teachar TGT and PRTj
Injunior teacher, (greduated with English as tho men) 07 | (TGT-English) d with at least second class with B.Ed (preferably TET / TAT pass)
2 Junior Teacher, (TGT-Maths) | 8. Sc.B. Maths with ED as the main] subject with at least lI * class (preferably TET / TAT pass)
3 PET (Graduate in any disciline) and 07(PTI-Physial Edu) | BPED.
4 Junior Teacher, Mainly with BSC.SED Science]
07 | (TGT-Science) Subject with at least I "class (preferably TET / TAT pass)
5 Junior Teachars, (Graduates with Sanskrit as main) 7 (TGT-Senskrit) with at least sacond subject "Class with B.Ed., (preferably TET / TAT pass)
6 Junior Teacher, (TGT-Hind)). Graduation with Hindi as the main subject! 07
B.Ed. (preferably TET / TAT pass) with at least 1 "class
7 Maths - Assistant HSC (Maths) PTC (Proper Tate Pass) OT Teachers (PRI) and Higher Education) (60% required in HSC)
8 Mathematics / Science - HSC (Maths / Science) PTC (Preferably | 01 | Assistant Teacher Education TET Pass and Higher Education) (50% (PRT) required in HSC)
9 English - Assistant HSC, (preferably TET pas and] 07 Teacher PRT) Higher edukation) (50% required in HSC)
10 Science - Assistent | HSC (Science) PTC (preferably TET pass] 01 Teaacher (PRT) 'and higher education) (50% reqooired in Hsc)
11 Gomputra Assistant [8 € /B.Tach (Computer Solence) or] OT Teacher (PRTS) equivalent
Age Limit: Between 16 to 65 years as on 01-10-2020.
Selection Process: Interview.
Interview of the above, the candidates qualifying the above and stipulating the conditions {Candidates should appear at the above place and time on 14-10-2020, all proforma certificates along with a verified copy of each document with appropriate proforma.
Interested and eligible candidates affecting the above qualifications should appear at the place and time mentioned below along with all the original certificates along with 1 attested copy of each documents with appropriate proforma.
Location: Railway Secondary School, Nr. DRM Office, Bhavnagar Para, Bhavnagar
Interview Date: Registration of application time 10.00 AM 12:00 AM on 14-10-2020 at the above mentioned site