Office of Commissioner Schools, Block No. 2/1, Dr. J. M. Bhavan , G.R. Gandhinagar Dt. 3/12/2050, District Education Officer, District Education Officer's Office, All, Subject: Matter of accepting objection application as per PM-2 announced after document verification of recruitment of education assistants in government secondary schools of the state-2018. Mr., regarding the above subject and reference, to state that, the announcement of recruitment of education assistants in government secondary schools of the state is dated. Given on 16/11/2018. Pursuant to which the revised PML-1 with a list of four times the total number of candidates has been declared and revised PM. - The process of document verification has been completed at the district document verification center selected by the candidates included in the online application form.
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On the basis of which PML-2 has been declared on 16/12/2050. To submit objection application to the candidates regarding PML-2 at the District Document Verification Center selected by them in the online application form. Dated from 16/12/2050 Until 31/12/2030 (daily between 11:00 am to 12:00 pm) objection application has been reported through the website. Pursuant to which all the District Education Officers are asked to plan to accept the objection application of the candidates at the Document Verification Center of their district during the period. The following instructions should be taken into consideration while accepting the objection application. 1. The place where the Document Verification Center was kept in your district. The objection application acceptance center should be kept at the same place. As well as the recruitment nodal officer / employee announced earlier from your office will have to be assigned the task of accepting the objection application. 2. The objection application of the candidate who has registered his candidature in the said recruitment process and who has selected your district for the purpose of document verification should be accepted at the acceptance center of your district. (You will be able to verify the above with the help of the candidate's online application form and your DEO login.) Accept the application only after verifying why. 4. The candidate should check the original copy of the relevant marks / certificates / documents from your level as per the objection raised by the objection in the objection application. 5. Objections not submitted within the time limit in your district as well as by post, courier or reg. Do the applications received through e-mail.
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6. COVID - 19 Strict adherence to the guidelines issued by the Government regarding epidemics. 7. Observing the objections that the candidate encounters at the Document Verification Center. However, if the candidate is coVID-19 positive / is in the quarantine / contentment zone, then the objection application should be accepted if the candidate has sent his authority letter to any other person along with all the relevant grounds at the indicated time and place. 8. After accepting the manual application from the candidates, they have to go to the DEO login and make an online entry. 9, Instructions for making online entry of objection application: A. DEO, at the time of document verification for login in online account which login ID. You will be able to login with the given password. B, D.E.O. The application form of the candidate will be opened by entering his TAT number to enter the objection application of the logged in candidate.
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C. A brief description of the objection submitted by the candidate will be displayed in the Remarks column. Clicking on the submit button will complete the online entry of the objection application of the candidate. 10. The objection applications accepted by you should be submitted in person to the secondary branch of the office here on 5/12/2050 along with the person in question.