Science and Technology
Shri Govind Guru University Old Paper 2019 B.ED SEM 1 Science and Technology Method
Object of the course :
After going through the teacher trainee will be able:
To enable the student trainees to understand the concept, scope & structure of Science
and Technology.
To enable the student trainees to know the importance of need of teaching Science
and Technology at the secondary school level.
Understand the aims & objectives of teaching Science and Technology in secondary
school level.
Understand the lesson planning process for effective teaching-learning process &
better instruction.
Acquires the knowledge of current secondary syllabus of Science and Technology.
Explain the importance of micro, simulation & stray lesson to develop Science and
Technology teaching skill.
Practice various microteaching skills in Science and Technology.
Unit- 1Modern Science, values and objective of teaching of science and technology.
1.1 Introduction to Science and technology: - Meaning, Definition & Concept of
Science and technology, Scope of Science and technology
1.2 Importance of teaching of Science and technology, Need of Science and
technology subject in Secondary School curriculum
1.3 Value of Science and Technology in modern life
- Utilitarian value - Disciplinary value - Cultural value
1.4 Objectives of technology Science and Technology at secondary level
-Taxonomy of education objectives: general and specific objectives
Unit- 2Lesson planning in Science and technology (Micro – Simulation – Stray Lesson)
2.1 Lesson planning : Meaning, Characteristics of good lesson planning, Importance,
various types of lesson plan.
2.2 Micro Technology: Meaning, Concept, Steps, Importance, Characteristics,
Utilities, Limitations. Different skill of micro teaching – Set induction, fluency in
questioning – reinforcement – B.B. Work, skill of example – skill of explaining.
Prepare a micro lesson planning on basis of above skills.
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Simulation: Meaning, concept, characteristics, importance, advantages &
-Prepare a simulation planning.
2.4 Stray Lesson: Meaning, concept, importance. – Prepare a stray lesson planning.
Unit- 3
Std. - 6
Ch. 10 – Motion and Measurement of Distances.
Ch. 11 – Light shadows and reflections.
Ch. 12 – Electricity and circuit.
Ch. 13 – Fun with magnet.