Lock Down In Gujarat

All world effected the corona virus Covid19 position In gujarat very dangerous corona virus effected.

The Gujarat High Court has directed the Gujarat Government to take at least two or three days lockdown in Gujarat as the complete virus is spreading very fast.

The situation of complete virus in Gujarat is getting more and more serious day by day and day by day the virus infection is spreading rapidly and the situation is getting out of control.  A four-day lockdown is very important if the spread of the virus is low in the state. This lockdown is very important and only a lockdown can stop the spread of this serious disease in the family.  And keep the elders at home as well as wash their hands frequently and take a dose of what has been issued by the full government.  And at the same time a situation like lockdown has been created all over the world that is why lockdown has been done in big cities like Maharashtra, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India  And night lockdown in areas like Gujarat and Gujarat's metropolis Rajkot Bhavnagar Vadodara Ahmedabad has been strictly enforced by the government.

The Krishna virus has created a very serious situation all over the world and in Gujarat. There is a solution to lock down. Take care of all your health. Wash your hands and follow social distances so that epidemics can be prevented.  Cases of hereditary viruses are increasing day by day. Complete virus is a very serious disease which causes symptoms like cold, cough and fever.  So boiled cinnamon cloves like pepper should be used which is good for health