Education and Psychology Hogan was also one of the psychologists who tried to explain the types of learning and the necessary conditions for each type of learning. 

Gagne's Hierarchy of Learning Types and Conditions (Gagne's Hierarchy of Learning Types and Conditions) The teaching-learning process in school is based on objectives.  Subject matter, curriculum and teaching methods are fixed keeping in mind the objectives.

The teaching-learning objectives are determined keeping in mind that the cognitive, affective and emotional aspects of the students can be properly developed.  Learning experiences are provided to students with objectives in mind.  Based on which there is an expected change in the behavior of the students. 

Thus the range of learning experiences offered in the school is so vast.  Based on that, it is difficult to make the type of study.  However, Gane has identified eight types of learning.  In the field of study, Robert M.  Gane's name is very well known.  In his book The Conditions of Learning, he has discussed these eight types of learning in an elaborate and touching manner.  According to him these types of learning are arranged sequentially. 

This sequential series begins with the Sankta study.  Signal Learning According to Gane, signal learning is the first and fundamental type of learning.  In which a general and comprehensive response is given to any specific signal.  According to Gane this is the simplest form of learning. 

Pavlov's classical conditioning is included in this type of study.  Pavlov presented food to dogs with the sound of a bell in a learning experiment.  Here the sound of the bell is the signal while the food is the stimulus.  The dog's mouth started drooling due to the food. 

After doing this often, only the sound of the bell (cue) was presented to the dog in the absence of food.  As soon as he heard the sound of the bell, the dog's mouth started salivating.  Thus the dog's behavior changes due to the combination.

 In this experiment, food acts as the uEducation and Psychology Hogan was also one of the psychologists who tried to explain the types of learning and the necessary conditions for each type of learning.  Gagne's Hierarchy of Learning Types and Conditions (Gagne's Hierarchy of Learning Types and Conditions) The teaching-learning process in school is based on objectives. 

Subject matter, curriculum and teaching methods are fixed keeping in mind the objectives.  The teaching-learning objectives are determined keeping in mind that the cognitive, affective and emotional aspects of the students can be properly developed. 

Learning experiences are provided to students with objectives in mind.  Based on which there is an expected change in the behavior of the students.  Thus the range of learning experiences offered in the school is so vast.  Based on that, it is difficult to make the type of study.  However, Gane has identified eight types of learning.  In the field of study, Robert M.  Gane's name is very well known. 

In his book The Conditions of Learning, he has discussed these eight types of learning in an elaborate and touching manner.  According to him these types of learning are arranged sequentially.  This sequential series begins with the Sankta study.  Signal Learning According to Gane, signal learning is the first and fundamental type of learning.  In which a general and comprehensive response is given to any specific signal. 

According to Gane this is the simplest form of learning.  Pavlov's classical conditioning is included in this type of study.  Pavlov presented food to dogs with the sound of a bell in a learning experiment.  Here the sound of the bell is the signal while the food is the stimulus.  The dog's mouth started drooling due to the food.  After doing this often, only the sound of the bell (cue) was presented to the dog in the absence of food.  As soon as he heard the sound of the bell, the dog's mouth started salivating.  Thus the dog's behavior changes due to the combination.  In this experiment, food acts as the unconditioned stimulus and the sound of the bell acts as the conditioned stimulus.  When drooling is a reaction. 

In this way, the interaction with Abhi Dhit Uddipaka is discussed in detail in another chapter of the book about Classical Abhisandhan, which Pavlov calls Classical Abhisandhan.  This type of reaction is like reflexive action.  Because on seeing Uddip, Adhyeta immediately responds.  In order to give such a response, the teacher has to make a choice, he does not have to give importance to his own desire or reluctance.  So this type of study is also called Chhaka study. 

What do we do to teach children Kakko?  think  While saying 'K' is the 'K' of the lotus, 'K' is the 'K' of Kari, we present the picture of the lotus in front of them and the 'K' together with the picture of Khadiya.  Gradually, the child gets to know 'K' after seeing the lotus and 'K' without seeing the khadia.nconditioned stimulus and the sound of the bell acts as the conditioned stimulus.  When drooling is a reaction.  In this way, the interaction with Abhi Dhit Uddipaka is discussed in detail in another chapter of the book about Classical Abhisandhan, which Pavlov calls Classical Abhisandhan. 

This type of reaction is like reflexive action.  Because on seeing Uddip, Adhyeta immediately responds.

Form Start Date 05/07/2024 to 15/07/2023

First Exam Date : 06/08/2023

Main Exam Date : 17/09/2023

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In order to give such a response, the teacher has to make a choice, he does not have to give importance to his own desire or reluctance.  So this type of study is also called Chhaka study.  What do we do to teach children Kakko?  think  While saying 'K' is the 'K' of the lotus, 'K' is the 'K' of Kari, we present the picture of the lotus in front of them and the 'K' together with the picture of Khadiya.  Gradually, the child gets to know 'K' after seeing the lotus and 'K' without seeing the khadia.

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children Kakko?  think  While saying 'K' is the 'K' of the lotus, 'K' is the 'K' of Kari, we present the picture of the lotus in front of them and the 'K' together with the picture of Khadiya.  Gradually, the child gets to know 'K' after seeing the lotus and 'K' without seeing the khadia.